Tuesday, February 17, 2009

How to: SMN/COR

So, I'm going to be talking about something that I've been toying with for a while now.  This is what might be known as the "unusual" subjob.

When it comes to subjobs, the standard for Summoner is White Mage and Scholar, mostly because of the spells those two subjobs bring.  While in most situations those two subjobs are fine for what they do, I find myself asking if there's something better.  A good subjob, by definition, should support and enhance the main job.  So, what's another job that can enhance Summoner?  I present Corsair.

What does Corsair have that other subjobs don't have?  Rolls.  Specifically, rolls that enhance pet abilities.  One thing to be aware of with Summoner is that it isn't really a mage job at all, but a pet job, and at most times, should be viewed as such.  So, as a pet job, there are very few things that can enhance pets directly.  Fortunately, COR has just such a thing in both the Puppet Roll and the Beast Roll.

There are a couple of downsides, however, when using COR as a subjob.  First is that only one roll can be active when playing as a /COR.  This means that only one effect can be used, so only pet accuracy or pet attack can be enhanced, but not both.  Second, and this relates to the first, is that a bust is perhaps worse on a /COR than a main COR.  A bust amounts to not only not being able to roll, but actually puts on a Negative effect.  So, busting on a Puppet roll means not only not being able to roll for five minutes, but it also means that the avatar will actually lose accuracy.

There is also one more side effect to consider when playing /COR, and that is Healer's Roll.  Healer's Roll will increase the amount of MP per tick when resting.  This is important as it cuts down the amount of down time that the Summoner faces.

So, where would I use /COR?  In large man events like Dynamis or Limbus (or pretty much any event where there will be more than one alliance).  In events like these, pet performance matters more than what the Summoner does, and remember, COR is the only subjob that can directly affect pet performance more than anything else.  Another place where I would use it is in a Summoner burn party where these rolls won't just help the player himself, but everyone around him too.

Where wouldn't I use /COR?  Soloing, where running out of MP is tantamount to death.  Since while soloing, I can't rest, having another sub, such as SCH would help better in the long run as it can restore MP directly.  I would also not use it in small man events such as Assaults and Nyzule Isle.  There, I might need the utility of WHM and SCH to help move things along and to help keep my party alive.

Like everything else, COR does have it uses, and it's great in some spots, and not so great in other spots.  It's situational, and it depends on if there's a need for the pet to perform rather than the master.

I'd be happy to answer any questions that pop up.

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