Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Dynamis and stuff

So, I did a little Trial of the Magians with my DNC, heading up to the Uleguarand Range for some bunny killing. Got bored of it real quick. Takes way too long to kill those things. I think I'll wait till I get NIN up to 37 first.

This morning, did Dynamis Bastok. Got a 100 Byne bill. I'm rolling in dough now~! :D We got the win, but our numbers keep dropping off early. :/ People have no stamina for these types of things anymore.

Levelled NIN some more. It's now up to 13. Time for some new katanas. I should probably get those NIN spells as well...

Reminds me, I need to clear some stuff out. My moghouse is way too crowded. :/ And I haven't even finished with the whole Trial of the Magians thing yet.

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